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Linux disk usage monitor script

I found that Azure has a hard time to monitor disk usage on a Linux box. There are ways, but it seems to be too complicated to achieve such a basic thing. So I came up with the following script I call in a cron job as needed.

CURRENT=$(df / | grep / | awk '{ print $5}' | sed 's/%//g')
LOCALIP=$(ips=($(hostname -I))
for ip in "${ips[@]}"
 echo $ip

if [ "$CURRENT" -gt "$THRESHOLD" ] ; then
    mail -a From:[email protected] -s "Disk Space Alert on ${HOSTNAME} ($PUBLICIP / $LOCALIP)" [email protected] << EOF
The $HOSTNAME root partition remaining free space is critically low. Used: $CURRENT%

Make sure to adjust the THRESHOLD and emails as needed. Ideally, you’ll configure a mail server (e.g. Postfix) with SMTP credentials (e.g. SendGrid) and proper SPF records to make sure your emails don’t end up in Junk and miss them.

There are plenty of proper monitoring solutions and I always love those that give you a free tier such as HetrixTools Uptime Monitors or Datadog. However, not always these can be used.

Let’s Encrypt wildcard certificate configuration with AWS Route 53 DNS by @Sharl…

Let’s Encrypt wildcard certificate configuration with AWS Route 53 DNS by @Sharl…

Source by Cristian O. Balan

In a nutshell:

mkdir ~/.aws
nano ~/.aws/credentials
#aws_access_key_id = ABC
#aws_secret_access_key = XYZ
chmod 400 ~/.aws/credentials
chmod 500 ~/.aws
apt-get install software-properties-common
add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
apt update && apt install python-certbot-nginx python-pip python-asn1crypto python-certifi python-cffi-backend python-cryptography python-enum34 python-idna python-ipaddress
pip install --upgrade pip
certbot --version
pip install certbot_dns_route53==0.26.1
mkdir -p /opt/letsencrypt/config
mkdir -p /opt/letsencrypt/log
mkdir -p /opt/letsencrypt/work
certbot certonly -d --dns-route53 --logs-dir /opt/letsencrypt/log/ --config-dir /opt/letsencrypt/config/ --work-dir /opt/letsencrypt/work/ -m [email protected] --agree-tos --non-interactive --server
/usr/local/bin/certbot renew --dns-route53 --logs-dir /opt/letsencrypt/log/ --config-dir /opt/letsencrypt/config/ --work-dir /opt/letsencrypt/work/ --non-interactive --server --post-hook "service nginx reload"

Or if you’re using DNS Made Easy:

nano ~/.dnsmadeeasy/credentials
#dns_dnsmadeeasy_api_key = ABC
#dns_dnsmadeeasy_secret_key = XYZ
certbot certonly -d --dns-dnsmadeeasy --dns-dnsmadeeasy-credentials ~/.dnsmadeeasy/credentials --logs-dir /opt/letsencrypt/log/ --config-dir /opt/letsencrypt/config/ --work-dir /opt/letsencrypt/work/ -m [email protected] --agree-tos --non-interactive --server
/usr/local/bin/certbot renew --dns-route53 --logs-dir /opt/letsencrypt/log/ --config-dir /opt/letsencrypt/config/ --work-dir /opt/letsencrypt/work/ --non-interactive --server --post-hook "service nginx reload"

The same concept can be obviously applied with Cloudflare and so on.