by Cristian Balan | Oct 31, 2023 | Hosting, How-to, Mail
After adding a new domain to the WildDuck configuration you might also want to create a DKIM key for that domain.
A new DKIM key can be created via API.
I’m using Insomnia and I have created a POST request posting to /remote-api/dkim API URL and configured the X-Access-Token
header with the authentication accessToken
value from /etc/wildduck/wildduck-webmail.toml (see the [api]
section in that file):

Then in the Query tab we can add a selector of our choice and the domain name:

Now we can press Send and copy the value (e.g. v=DKIM1;t=s;p=...
) from the Preview tab into our new TXT DNS record.
by Cristian Balan | Oct 26, 2021 | Hosting, How-to, Mail
WildDuck is a simple mail server solution and is often accompanied by the WildDuck Webmail service. While you can create email addresses with any domain via both the WildDuck’s API and the Webmail GUI, when it comes to aliases and the ease of use of the user interface, by default you’re only limited to the one you’ve initially configured.
To add further domains to choose from when creating alias addresses, edit the wildduck-webmail.toml
file (it is located in /etc/wildduck/
) and add your additional domains in the domains=[]
array like so:
# allowed domains for new addresses
Restart the webmail service with systemctl restart wildduck-webmail
and you’re good to go.
Now if you want to also create a separate DKIM key and DNS record, follow this short guide.
by Cristian Balan | Jun 28, 2018 | Hosting, Linux, Twitter
Source by Cristian O. Balan
In a nutshell:
mkdir ~/.aws
nano ~/.aws/credentials
#aws_access_key_id = ABC
#aws_secret_access_key = XYZ
chmod 400 ~/.aws/credentials
chmod 500 ~/.aws
apt-get install software-properties-common
add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
apt update && apt install python-certbot-nginx python-pip python-asn1crypto python-certifi python-cffi-backend python-cryptography python-enum34 python-idna python-ipaddress
pip install --upgrade pip
certbot --version
pip install certbot_dns_route53==0.26.1
mkdir -p /opt/letsencrypt/config
mkdir -p /opt/letsencrypt/log
mkdir -p /opt/letsencrypt/work
certbot certonly -d --dns-route53 --logs-dir /opt/letsencrypt/log/ --config-dir /opt/letsencrypt/config/ --work-dir /opt/letsencrypt/work/ -m [email protected] --agree-tos --non-interactive --server
/usr/local/bin/certbot renew --dns-route53 --logs-dir /opt/letsencrypt/log/ --config-dir /opt/letsencrypt/config/ --work-dir /opt/letsencrypt/work/ --non-interactive --server --post-hook "service nginx reload"
Or if you’re using DNS Made Easy:
nano ~/.dnsmadeeasy/credentials
#dns_dnsmadeeasy_api_key = ABC
#dns_dnsmadeeasy_secret_key = XYZ
certbot certonly -d --dns-dnsmadeeasy --dns-dnsmadeeasy-credentials ~/.dnsmadeeasy/credentials --logs-dir /opt/letsencrypt/log/ --config-dir /opt/letsencrypt/config/ --work-dir /opt/letsencrypt/work/ -m [email protected] --agree-tos --non-interactive --server
/usr/local/bin/certbot renew --dns-route53 --logs-dir /opt/letsencrypt/log/ --config-dir /opt/letsencrypt/config/ --work-dir /opt/letsencrypt/work/ --non-interactive --server --post-hook "service nginx reload"
The same concept can be obviously applied with Cloudflare and so on.