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MySecureShell is a solution which has been made to bring more features to sftp/scp protocol given by OpenSSH. By default, OpenSSH brings a lot of liberty to connected users which imply to trust in your users. The goal of MySecureShell is to offer the power and security of OpenSSH, with enhanced features (like ACL) to restrict connected users.

MySecureShell was created because of the lack of file transfer features in OpenSSH. OpenSSH was not designed as a file transfer solution, that’s why we made MySecureShell.

MySecureShell is not a patch for OpenSSH, it’s a shell for users. It has the advantage to:

  • Avoid including security holes in OpenSSH
  • No dependency on against an OpenSSH version
  • No OpenSSH recompilation is required

So MySecureShell remains easy to install, secure and easy to configure.
Some usefull commands:

nano /etc/ssh/sftp_config
mysecureshell --configtest
sftp-user create mysftpuser
sftp-user create mysftpuser
mkdir -p /home/mysftpuser
chown -R mysftpuser:mysftpuser /home/mysftpuser
sftp-state stop
sftp-state start
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